Schools can share the results of an assessment with students and their parents using the Student Report. The customisable report is available as a PDF and provides detail on how individual students have performed at topic and/or question level, including comparison with school and cohort outcomes. Calculated scores such as percentile ranks, grades and raw percentages can also be included.
Opening the report preview
In Smartgrade, go to Assessment Analysis, find the relevant assessment family and click Student.
The report populates with a preview of the report for the first student in the class for the selected assessment:
As usual, the selectors at top of the page will enable you to move between assessments. The "NEXT" and "PREV" buttons towards the bottom of the screen will enable you to navigate through the preview of the students' reports.
Customising the report
The Student Report can be customised using the "Options & Filters" button:
The preview will update dynamically as you make selections in the Options and Filters slide-over:
The following customisations can be made:
- Grade - any calculated grade can be displayed at the top of the report. By default the raw score, raw percentage and school/MAT percentile rank (if calculated) is included.
- Parts - by default the report will print one report per student for the whole test. Selecting "Part level report" will print a report for each student for each part of the assessment. Selecting "Test and part level" will print both a report for each part and for the whole test for each student.
- Topics - this selector enables you to choose which topics you would like to include in the report. Note that removing topics will also remove any associated questions in the Questions section.
- Sections - the report is made up of 2 sections: "Section 1 - topics", "Section 2 - questions". This selector enables you to choose which section(s) you would like to include in the report.
- Averages to display - this determines the average columns that are shown in section 1 AND section 2. Note the "School Average" is the average achieved by students within the school; the "Cohort Average" is the average achieved by students in either the global sample for a partner assessment, or within the MAT for a custom MAT assessment.
- Section 2 columns - this selector enables you to choose which columns will be displayed on section 2. Note that the averages available to select will be dependant on the selection made in "Averages to display".
- Result format - by default values in the report are displayed as percentages, this can be changed to numbers if required.
- Page layout - select either "Portrait" (default) or "Landscape".
Printing the report
Before printing your reports ensure that you have selected the appropriate students, using the student selector on the top-right of the screen:
Once you are happy with the layout of the report, click the "PRINT" button at the bottom of the screen, this generates a PDF which will be downloaded (normally to your downloads folder). The reports are designed are compatible with double-sided printing.