There are two ways of accessing Smartgrade: by Single Sign On, or via Email and Password. This article troubleshoots the most common reasons users are unable to access Smartgrade. If students are struggling to access their test, please see this help article.
1. Single Sign On
If your school or MAT is using Single Sign on, Smartgrade access is controlled by your school's Single Sign On system (e.g. Microsoft Azure Active Directory or Google Directory). If you are unable to access the system, it is likely for one of the following reasons:
- The user is not active in Smartgrade. For staff to be able to access Smartgrade, a Smartgrade administrator needs to ensure they are in the School Users table (Configuration > School users) with appropriate permissions. They must not have a status of deauthorised or deleted.
- SSO email and MIS email do not match. Smartgrade syncs with your MIS every night. To log in a user where SSO is enabled, we check to make sure the user's logged-in SSO email matches with the email address we've pulled from the MIS to create your Smartgrade user. If the two do not match, you will need to ask your school MIS administrator to update your MIS email address, or ask your school SSO administrator to update the SSO system. Please note: changes made in the MIS may not show in Smartgrade until the next day, since our MIS sync takes place overnight.
2. Schools and MATs using email and password to sign in
If your school or MAT uses email address and password to sign into Smartgrade and you're struggling to get access, it is likely for one of the following reasons:
- The user is not yet activated in Smartgrade. To be able to access Smartgrade, a Smartgrade administrator needs to have invited you to use the product by sending an automated email inviting you to set a password. You will not be able to get access until you accept this link and set a password. The user must not have a status of deauthorised or deleted.
- The user has forgotten their password. It's easy to reset your password in Smartgrade. Simply go to, enter your user email and click the "I have forgotten my credentials" link. An email with a link to reset your password will be sent to you.
Still unable to access Smartgrade?
Please ensure you have whitelisted the following URLs:
If you're still experiencing issues, please email us at