This help article suggests things to try if you have students who can't access an online test. If, after trying all the suggestions below, your student still can't access the test, please contact
Check that the student is in the markbook
Students need to be listed in the relevant markbook to access an online test.
To check if the student is in the markbook:
- Go to Markbooks, find the relevant assessment, click on the 3 dots in the Actions column and click View.
- Look to see if the student is listed, if not the markbook will need to be refreshed.
Adding new students to the markbook:
- Towards the top of the markbook click on the REFRESH STUDENT LIST button. Note: for students to be available to add to a markbook, they must first be added to your school MIS and the scheduled overnight sync needs to have occurred.
- You'll see a modal which will allow you to add or remove students. Select to Add students... You can also select to Remove students... if there are students listed in the markbook who have left and will not be sitting the test.
- Click CONFIRM towards the bottom of the modal.
- A confirmation message will appear to let you know that the markbook has refreshed and the new student will be listed. The newly added student should now be able to access the test.
If the student still does not appear in the markbook after this, ask your admin to go through this process.
Check that the test has been 'started'
When an assessment is first published it will be in 'ended' mode, meaning that students can't access it until the teacher 'starts' the test. Assessments will also be 'ended' when a teacher marks the test. In both cases, to allow students to sit the test, the assessment has to be 'started':
- Go to Markbooks, find the relevant assessment and click on the 3 dots in the Actions column and click Start test. The test will now be available for the student to take the test.
- For an assessment with more than one part, the menu will say End/Start test. Once clicked a modal will be displayed asking which test you wish the start/end:
Top tip: Moving the slider to the left will start the test, moving it to the right will end the test (in the example above Part 1 is 'ended', Part 2 is 'started').
- Move the slider across for the relevant test(s) and click CONFIRM. The students should now be able to access the test.
Check the student's details in the MIS
Smartgrade authenticates students with their Google or Microsoft credentials. If a student gets the following error message when trying to log in, please check that the correct email address for the student is recorded on their record in the school's MIS. Please ensure that the email address is only recorded once and that it is the same as the one recorded in your Google Directory or Microsoft Azure.
Check that the following URLs have been whitelisted for students:
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