Our friends at Insight have built functionality to import data from Smartgrade using the CSV file from our Bulk export module. This new functionality enables schools and MATs to use grades calculated by Smartgrade within Insight. The import has been developed for KS2 Practice SATs (Maths, Reading and GPS), Ark Curriculum Plus (Maths) White Rose Maths Primary and HeadStart (Maths, Reading and GPS). The CSV file can contain data either for a single school, or in the case of a MAT, multiple schools.
NOTE: To create the Smartgrade bulk export file you must have MAT Admin or School Admin permissions.
Guidance on how to upload the file into Insight can be found in this article from the Insight Knowledge Base.
To create your bulk export file:
- Click on the three yellow horizontal lines in the top right of the screen, select Configuration and then Bulk export.
- Select the desired Assessment family from the window at the top of the Bulk export area.
- Choose the data you'd like to extract using the available options:
- Subject: Select one or more subjects from the family.
- Year: Select the year group.
- Assessment Window: Select the assessment window.
- Academic Year: Select the applicable academic year.
Result Type: Select the data you'd like to extract. IMPORTANT NOTE: to keep the file size small and quick to upload, please ensure you deselect the Question Level option (see screenshot below). You can keep all other fields selected.
Deselecting the "Question level" Result Type.
- Schools: If you're a MAT Admin, you can choose to export data for multiple schools at the same time. School Admins will be able to export data for their school only.
- Export Format: Leave this as Analysis.
- Log onto Insight and follow their instructions for importing your data.