When you start using Smartgrade at the Primary phase, you need to set up which subjects you wish to be available in the product. Currently the following subjects can be activated by any primary school:
Areas of Learning
- Art
- Characteristics of Effective Learning
- Computing
- Design and Technology
- English
- English - GPS
- English - Reading
- English - Speaking & Listening
- English - Writing
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Studies
- Science
- Wellbeing & Involvement
Should you wish to use Smartgrade for other subjects, just let us know by contacting us at help@smartgrade.co.uk.
To activate subjects, nagivate to Configuration --> Primary Subjects and select the checkboxes next to each subject you wish to activate.
- School users are created in the Smartgrade platform after you activate your first subject. A school user shall be created for each teacher associated with a registration group in your MIS.
- After you activate a subject you may need to wait for an overnight MIS sync in order for the subject to be live in the product.