After you assign an assessment in Smartgrade, you may realise that you’ve set up markbooks that you don’t need, either because you’ve assigned them to an incorrect class or because you’ve assigned the wrong assessment. If there is no data in these markbooks, they can be deleted by unassigning them in the Marketplace.
The first thing to check is whether any data has been entered into these markbooks. If Smartgrade detects marks or absences in a markbook, it will not allow you to delete this markbook before you delete any data within the markbook itself.
Once you’ve determined that there is no data in the markbook, find the assessment in the Marketplace that has markbooks you would like to delete. After clicking the ‘Assign’ button, you will be given the option to add and remove students from these markbooks. You do not need to select either of these options as you are deleting the markbook.
Click the ‘Next’ button to see the schools and classes that the assessment to which the markbooks are assigned. From the dropdowns, untick the classes for which you’d like to delete the markbooks and press ‘Assign’. This will delete any empty markbooks for the classes or schools that were unticked. If you are a MAT Admin, you can also untick an entire school using the tickboxes to the left-hand side.
It is important that you leave classes or schools ticked in the dropdowns if you do not want to delete their markbooks. Any empty markbooks assigned to an unticked class will be deleted, but the markbooks of a class left ticked will not be affected. This process will not delete any markbooks that contain any student data such as absences or marks.
If you find that you have deleted an empty markbook by mistake, reassign the assessment. You will not have lost any data, as Smartgrade can only delete empty markbooks.